DX Code of Conduit at dx-code.org

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Manuale d’autodisciplina e di tecniche operative radioamatoriali

È distribuito, in ordine alfabetico, dal
  • www.iw1axr.eu
  • www.panniello.it
  • www.radiomateur.eu
Scritto da un mucchietto d'amici per se stessi e gli altri che ne vogliano approfittare.

73, Salvo IW1AYD

Sunday, October 4, 2009

TPF IC-7600 IC-7700 IC-7200

More info on the subject of the twin peak filter or TPF at:


73, Salvo iw1ayd

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Twin Peak Filters TPF

Now the 7600, 7700 and 7200 TPF filters work in default mode as in the picture, simply awfull ...

... compared to this picture as it was before on the 756PROIII and worked like this ...

Better to stay on 756PROIII if you even tried FSK RTTY.

It's awful that they went back and reengineered the Twin Peak Filter so badly as now it is unusefull by default.

BTW to have it on such old way you may learn to fiddle the filter selection button two times to go tight and then two times again to go back on the largest filter.
Tight filter is OK for QSO with weak signals or during contests, large filter is useful for S&P and DX searching ... 1/1 button pushes with the 756PROIII to go forth and back; 3/3 button pushes with the newest radios. Not to speak, on the same new radios, about the badly displaced TPF button. TPF was a marvel, now is awful and ugly.

Have fun with the radio

73 de iw1ayd, Salvo

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

SO2R build up

I would like to build up a SO2R station quite on the cheap. Cheap wouldn't mind to build up nothing or like but a small SO2R station for RTTY an maybe phone. Power class will be 100W initially, as I think that everything need a start.
The core will be a couple of transceiver, well tied on the air by the rigid dipole that I already own.
1) Create V shaped dipole for 40/20/15/10 - vertical steppir, the big with the addon for 80 meters, EH for 160 and optionally for 80 and 40;
2) RTX a 756PIII and a to be acquired 7600, or a 7400 that I already own for the start;
3) MK2R+ for the double radio control and lock in and lock out of the transceivers, maybe with a station master device added for rotor and antenna switching control;
4) single computer with 4 serial ports and N1MM software
5) several accessories and cables from power supplies
6) cables and cabling to string all together
7) furniture to use all that inside home

The only points with something already done are
1) Create dipole already working, trying to understand real world possibilities for the vertical or how to backup on EH
2) radios actually owned 756 and 7400
3) all to be done, acquisitions and so on
4) computer almost ready just to add two more serials and check it for RTX to PC communications
4more) software N1MM in self study and slowly on the job training via some contests
5) almost ready, maybe something like a new couple of watt meters, PS ready
6) will be done accordingly all others points
7) to be defined, starting from the actual base but seriously to be considered

Point #1 is the most declarative on the real world conditions for this build up, there will not be the space nor the way to build up a beam/full size dipole supported station. So I am not starting on the edge of the building and this set the point of arrive. NO way to change this.

7400 vs 7600, I would like to buy a second 756, could be possible as used or so on, but why to lost the possibility to try roof filters and more feature like self contained RTTY. By the way it's more easy to buy a radio, sigh!, than to put up a tower. So a start on 7400 or 7600 would be determined by when I will need a second transceiver. Probably I could afford a start in moths, middle summer, so the 7600 could be targeted for that data.

... to be continued ...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Visto passare una sera sul cluster

Idea per una QSL

Questa e un'idea per la foto da mettere in una prossima QSL. Il soggetto non è proprio radioamatoriale,ma sempre d'antenne si tratta le montagne sono quelle intorno a Torino.