DX Code of Conduit at dx-code.org

Friday, June 29, 2007

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007

From HPSDR -

Some Glossary Definitions, gracefully grabbed from HPSDR

Since this website (*) and project (*) is attracting interested persons who are not Radio Amateurs and hams who may not be familiar with some of the technical jargon, here are a few words about what some of the mysterious acronyms, etc. may stand for.

Radio Amateurs ("hams") -- persons around the world interested in radio communications and do so without monetary compensation (hence as in sports, the term "amateur" as opposed to "professional" in the sense of not receiving money for what they do). For more information on this hobby/service, start with ... nothing more was here on the original site ... I understand that somebody doesn't wrote some url here ... forgotten ... let me try with one www.arrl.org That's just to have a sketched overview but not the whole wild bunch of pictures that comes from this undoubtedly wonderful hobby ( what stamps stand for? If I understand what the meaning of stamp is I could change this last sentence. an.)

(*) their website AN

One and one, much than two

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Barquito radio control

Quote of the Day: An argument is the longest d...

Quote of the Day:
An argument is the longest distance between two points of view.
--Dan Bennett


Sunday, June 17, 2007